A variety of hands on massage techniques are custom blended to make meet your personal needs. Circulation and freedom of movement are increased; your mental and physical well being are improved, stress is elevated as muscular tension melts away. Fatigue and anxiety are replaced with a sense of balance and well being. Your body will respond with greater flexibility, increased range of motion and vitality through the wonders of therapeutic touch. It also stimulates your happy hormone serotonin.


This is similar to the custom massage but uses deeper pressure to help release chronic muscular tension. Deep tissue massage breaks down scar tissue and releases knots that disrupt your circulation, causes you pain and limits your range of motion.


The soothing tones of Acutonic® tuning forks are applied to your muscles in combination with massage to release chronic tension, discomfort and pain, increase circulation and enhances the benefits of your massage experience This session is deeply relaxing and restorative. It provides a sense of joy and bliss that goes far beyond most massages.


First CBD is used on your areas of discomfort and chronic pain followed by the application of warm heat which is used to drive the CBD into your body. As the CBD works its magic your legs and feet are massaged with a CBD cream. Then heat pack is removed and your massage is completed with CBD cream leaving you completely relaxed. (contains no THC)


Smooth heated ancient stones are used to facilitate improved circulation, release nervous tension, and melt muscular tension leaving you centered, deeply relaxed and restored. This is not a deep tissue technique. CBD oil can be used for an additional cost.


This massage combines the long strokes of massage and the benefits of salt therapy. These stones are 100% Himalayan salt containing 84 essential minerals. These stones work as a extension of the hands creating increased circulation, reduced inflammation and balance the central nervous system. The heat coupled with the minerals detoxifies the body, while the negative ions that the stones produce create a sense of peace, and deep relaxation that leave you refreshed and renewed.


This complete back release of muscular tension is customized to your personal tension pattern. Gentle yet deep finger pressure is used in a Japanese style technique based on Chinese acupuncture then you simply lay on your back while acupoint combinations are held and tension is replaced by pleasurable feeling as you relax, stress drifts away and tension is released. This is a fully clothed experience.


Gentle yet deep finger pressure is applied to specific acu-points with body focusing techniques to release your chronic armoring or tension and balance the energy of the body. This deep releasing method allows you to get in touch with your body and access feelings and emotions associated with your physical condition. This is a fully clothed experience.


(For those 14 weeks or over)

Massage is wonderful for the discomforts experienced during pregnancy. A system that was specially designed for the safety and comfort of the mother to be is used in our prenatal massage. Our prenatal massage relieves the discomfort associated with pregnancy, encourages blood flow, lymph circulation and relaxation of nervous tension as the mother to be is nurtured with skilled hands.


Aromatherapy massage uses essential oils that are extracts from trees, fruits and plants to promote pleasurable feeling and relaxation. These oils are absorbed through the skin and are carried throughout the body and have a positive effect on the major organs. Aromatherapy changes the mind and body by affecting the limbic system of the brain that then has an influence on the nervous system, your mood, promotes relaxation, releases muscular tension and pain and enhances your energy level.


Facilitated stretching is safe and dramatically effective to regain and improve your flexibility range of motion, loosen those tight muscles, improve posture and provide a sense of well being. Each session is customized to meet your personal needs and is combined with the appropriate muscles techniques.

Max Meditation

Max meditation is a system which will teach you how to meditate. It is based on a blend of ancient techniques from the yoga tradition, modern techniques of psychology and also from neuro-linguistic programming. Max meditation helps relax the body, quiet the mind, yet it is active enough to keep you from drifting off.


The Acutonics system is an energy based non-invasive system of treatment where precision calibrated tuning forks are applied to specific acupuncture points and trigger points of the body’s Meridian and Chakra energy systems. These tuning forks represent a natural harmonic series based on the orbital properties of the Earth, Moon, Sun and planets. Their rich resonance and vibration connects with and supports the body’s natural frequencies.

These tuning forks are struck on a Acutonics® Acuvator then placed on the body. When these frequencies and intervals of the Acutonics® Sound Healing System are applied to specific points and gateways the sound waves travel deeply into the body along energy pathways, affecting human physiology and reach places not easily accessed by traditional medicine. Applying the forks stimulates and balances the body’s physical and subtle energy field to promote healing and inner harmony and bring you into alignment with the Music of the Spheres. It provides access to deeper inner balance by sonically resetting negative cellular patterns that limit the ability to live ones full potential and connect you to the source of our original harmony.

The Acutonics® Healing Sound System is on the forefront of the new emerging field of Harmonic Medicine drawing from science, quantum physics, music, metaphysics, ancient truths, philosophical traditions and Eastern and Western Medicine to create an integrated and harmonic approach to healthcare.

Schedule a service with Adona now